One of the most important & often forgotten home maintenance items is cleaning out your clothes dryer vent.

Do you need to clean your dryer vent? What are the signs?

    • Loads, especially towels and/or jeans take more than one cycle to dry.
    • Your
      laundry area feels unusually humid while the dryer is running.
    • Dryer feels very hot to the touch while in operation.


A few years ago, I started offering this service after learning, from experience, how dan

gerous a lint filled dryer vent can be. I was fortunate (I don’t believe it was by chance) to have stepped into my garage at the right moment to smell a smoldering fire. At first I was confused and then quickly realized where the smell was coming from. I was able to quickly open up the bottom section of the dryer to find the lint smoldering, smoking, and red.

How often do you stand around your dryer as it does it’s thing? Me neither! I was “lucky.” Before I cleaned the vent, we were noticing that TOWELS TOOK FOREVER TO DRY! After cleaning the vents, it seemed like we had a new dryer. Less time to dry, MORE MONEY SAVED.

That’s my story and YES it is a true story. I hope this never happens to anyone else, that’s why I do what I do.

Don’t forget your: SMOKE & CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR batteries too.

I really like to take care of people. That’s why I named my business, “My Extra Hands.” My hands ARE Your Extra Hands.

Call Mike @ 435-414-1993